TMSTH Area Forum Meeting - 16th February 2017

Item 1: AGM Presentation of Accounts.

Item 2: Request for new Committee Members.

Item 3: Talk on behalf of Bournemouth, Dorset, and Poole, 'Skills and Learning', Adult Learning Service.

Item 4: Bournemouth, Christchurch, and Poole Local Consultation on amalgamations - ‘Reshaping Your Councils’.

Item 5: Proposed changes to Local Hospitals and Community Services.

Item 6: Wessex Fields proposed access road to/from Bournemouth Hospital, entry via the south bound A338, near the pedestrian overpass, and exit near the Cooper Dean Roundabout.

Item 7: River Stour, Muscliff, including Hicks Farm, Throop, and activities at the Kingfisher Barn, Granby Road.

Item 8: Proposed road safety measures at local schools.

Item 9: Opportunity to meet your Councillors.

Click on the A icon to view a PDF of the agenda.

Present: Cllrs Rey, Borthwick, Clarke, Trickett, Weinhonig; Ray O'Luby, Forum Chair

1 - AGM and presentation of accounts

Cllr Ian Clarke confirmed that he had audited the accounts and had passed them. Chair asked for new committee members.

2 - Bournemouth, Poole and Dorset 'Skills and Learning' Adult Learning Service

Sarah Brown, Bournemouth, Poole and Dorset, Business and Outreach Officer, gave a presentation re skills and learning opportunities for adults in the local area. For information, please view presentation at

Question. Cllr Weinhonig: What's going to happen after July 2017?

Answer. Sarah Brown: It will be different from year one and people will not be able to 're-access' courses. She hopes that courses will continue to run (they will not be free, but will be subsidised: £1.50/hr, c£25 for a 5 week course.

Q. Are there social gatherings outside of the courses?

A. Not at the moment. We hope to offer more courses but are Adult Learning providers, not Mental Health service providers. We will signpost people to other services when necessary.

3 - NHS Clinical Services Review (CSR)

Yvette Pearson has been to community hospitals all over Dorset and there has been a lot of local advertising re CSR. She is based in Wallisdown and Vespasian House, Dorchester. Her day job is to look at A&E targets, 999 responses. She also looks at delays in coming out of hospital and the joint commissioning of community equipment services.

There is a need for change to clinical services. NHS challenges are constantly in the news, though Dorset is quite good overall. There are however, financial and demographic problems. The consultation on possible changes to service provision has been running for 12 weeks. Please fill out the consultation.

Demographics: increasing Dorset population (750,000 now, up by 50,000 by 2020). There are fewer heart attacks and strokes but demand is increasing. National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) assesses which services can be provided on the NHS. There are shortages across the sector (Doctors, nurses etc).

Variation in quality of care: there were 5, then 3, then 2 then 1 PCTs. Now there is a disparity in service across the county. Lots of community hospitals in the west, none in Bournemouth. We need to plan for winter pressure. To manage the surge coming in over Christmas and New Year, planned elective surgery has to be postponed.

The proposals would see Poole become the major planned hospital for the east of Dorset, whilst the Royal Bournemouth would become the major acute/A&E hospital.

The proposals also look at community hospitals and GPs/primary care problems. Some practices will merge.

Q. Someone came all the way from Lyme Regis to RBH for an operation. Why?

A. Can't comment on individual cases, perhaps the person chose to take treatment in Bournemouth (you have the option to choose where to go). Please give the lady concerned the consultation document. They can be found in libraries or phone up to get a copy.

Q. Can you give assurance that no privatisation will take place?

A. Foundation Trusts bid for services, GPs are getting together to bid. Currently reviewing 111 and GP out hours services. Need to review contracts.

Q. GPs charging for out of hours service?

A. Can't officially say. Make a comment in the consultation document. Martin Webster, Healthwatch, made a comment on GP problems.

Q. What will happen to A&E?

A. Weymouth Urgent Care centre does a lot of work that A&E does. We want A&E to deal with the urgent cases and not people who don't need emergency care.

Q. How many people arrive by ambulance, how many by other means?

A. Don’t know

Q. There was an earlier attempt to merge Poole and Bournemouth, is this another attempt?

A. I don't know. Merger of two trusts would have saved money. Is being talked about again. Monopolies Commission said at the time that merging wasn't appropriate.

Q. Are separate petitions feeding into the consultation?

A. Yes

4 - A338/Ringwood Spur Road and Wessex Fields proposals

Cllr Weinhonig: talked about reinvesting in the iconic nature of Bournemouth. BIG programme. There are planned improvements to the A338 and will be community engagement events. Jobs, housing and infrastructure improvements are part of a good news story, but we need to be cautious about the Wessex Fields development. The Leader of the Council, Cllr Beasley will talk on these issues at the special forum meeting on 16th March 2017

Q. Slip road into Wessex Fields. Why are they doing boreholes on the Holdenhurst Village side?

A. Not sure. Maybe to check environmental issues prior to consultation.

5 - River Stour Developments, Hicks Farm

Cllr Anne Rey: talked about the River Stour, Muscliffe, Kingfisher Barn and the service in memory of Cllr R. Whittaker. A new path has been created: 'Whittaker Way'. A lot of money has been spent on the area, and the River Stour boardwalk has been improved. Tom Bennet has been working very hard, helping to set up a charity in memory of Cllr Whittaker. Funding from Awards for All has allowed us to build a petanque terrain and the Plymouth Brethren are helping build the terrains for free, which will be near the community centre (leafleting will promote the sport). The Muscliffe Community Centre Cafe is run by Merley Manor and is going out to tender. The cafe only opens Mon-Fri because of other weekend commitments for centre. Muscliffe Fun Day back this year hopefully with Bournemouth Lions: 11th June, 11-5. Rain Day (Plan B) is the 11th August.

Cllr Borthwick: Local Improvement Fund was used to support Kingfisher Barn improvements, but there isn't any more money at the moment.

Cllr Clarke: we need help with ideas for Muscliffe park.

Forum Chair: new signage at Granby Rd area, family friendly area, car park improvements etc. Sadly, Throop Mill is deteriorating.

Cllr Borthwick: The Mill owners don't want to do anything, though the building is supposedly safe. Lorrys will be removed from Broadway lane.

Cllr Clarke: road resurfaced at Broadway Lane roundabout.

Cllr Borthwick: Hick's Farm is still in limbo, funding is on hold.

Cllr Rey: Castle Lane Cox Avenue problems with garage owners parking on grass verges. The Council tries to enforce restrictions but they keep on doing it.

Also, you might get a bigger general waste bin (£45/year)

Q. What's going to happen about unstable stable wall at Hick’s Farm?

Cllr Borthwick: Officers going to deal with it in 6 weeks.

6 - Road improvements, traffic problems

Cllr Trickett: trying to get yellow lines down to improve traffic flow in various places. Outside Bournemouth School for Girls has been completed. Townsend area has been delayed due to weather, or because of parked cars.

Cllr Weinhonig: Townsend School is part of an exceptional, thriving community with an excellent youth centre. Cllrs are working with the school to bring in road safety measures. There will be a zebra crossing across Ibbertson Road by August (subject to planning consent) and nearby desire lines will be improved. Road markings will be redone.

Package of measures have been put to the community, but we can't meet all the expectations. However, it is a good package to help promote cycling and walking to school.

Cllr Trickett: it has taken 3-4 years to get this package. It takes time to get things done.

Q. What about speed ramps on Ibbertson and Jewell Rds?

Cllr Weinhonig: Not a good use of money, and are very expensive.

Cllr Trickett: Ibbertson Rd has seen a long battle over safety issues. Yellow lines often only move the problem somewhere else, but Ibbertson Rd /Throop Road visibility problem needs to be dealt with.

Cllr Weinhonig: lines are going around area near school to reduce cars parked in area. Children will be picked up from Woodbury Avenue church and join a 'walking bus'.

Cllr Trickett: Perhaps we can consider a parking time limit?

Q. Muscliffe School and parking. People park on both sides of the road. Now it's very hard to get through. What about education at school on road safety?

Cllr Clarke: the school has no authority over parking outside school. Some lines have been put in the area, but difficult to get lines.

Cllr Rey: parents not now allowed to use school car park because of rudeness. Need support from residents to push for changes.

Q. What about 'walking buses': Good idea

Cllr Trickett: Double yellow lines don't necessarily stop people parking on them. Enforcement is vital. Problems on East Way. Camera enforcement cars can help.

Q. We should get children to walk to school.