Peter confirmed that 9 years since car park was originally built. Planning permission is being sought from Bournemouth Council in order to completely rebuild the car park.
The rebuild is expected to take 4.5 years with the Castlepoint car park never having less than 2,500 spaces compared to current maximum of 2,818.
Alec took us through the 5 stages of the rebuild starting at Sainsbury end with each stage taking about 9 months. The building area will be completely detached from car park in use with the big lorries using the rear entrance and mainly coming in and out before 8.30 am. The staff and repair workers will be using car park space behind Castlepoint during the repair works.
Additional car park space will be available in the Undercroft areas. The walkway will be reconstructed starting with Asda end. The non-slip surface will be the same except will be replaced over time (number of accidents is very low per PM.)
The planning permission will cover all environmental issues such as dust, noise and vibration and plan is to keep these to a minimum.
The Shop Mobility will go under Sainsbury's.
Points discussed in questions from floor:
Voting Reforms - Forms were made available
This has now been put back until after elections in May 2015.
The Eastway junction area was finished a month late due to serious problems with base.
The remainder of cycle lane will be commenced at end of November and is due to be finished by March.
Throop and Holdenhurst Gas Lights
Councillor Borthwick confirmed that gas lights were due to be replaced shortly with much improved and cost effective lighting.
Muscliffe Lane/ Throop Road Pot-Holes
Complaints about the number of pot holes but councillors confirmed work due to start on 5 November to repair these.
Also please note the hot line number to report pot holes is 01202 451199 or alternatively use the online form
Also noted that seems to be more of a rat run since the Castle Lane roadworks and people are not paying attention to 20MPH area.
LED Lighting
The side streets have almost been completed (about 8,000) and the main streets is due to start shortly with another 4,000 approx to do. Individual lights can be altered if required to spread the lighting area rather than just on the road.
Leaflets - explained of problems in delivering leaflets and would now use banners, posters, libraries and email could be reminded by this system.
Muscliff Community Centre
Councillor Anne Rey informed the meeting of changes to council policy on youth centres with only 3 remaining open and Musciliff will be losing staff paid for by council.
The Community Centre will have to run on its own without funding and will need income of about £56K per annum to keep going. There are various proposals how this should be achieved and an evening open meeting on 14th November will be held for local people to put their views etc.
Councillor Rey also mentioned the possibility of building an area for Petanque at Muscliffe (at cost of about £20K) and was hoping for support from local people.
Councillor Michael Weinhonig confirmed that repairs to Brackendale Road will be carried out shortly.
Councillor Ron Whittaker informed meeting that planning to build a bridge across the Stour from Berry Hill site for tankers is in advanced stage details on Throop and Muscliff Councillors website. There is no change in position on Hicks Farm.
Councillor John Trickett went through list of achievements by Bournemouth Council for local people.
Note: Number attending meeting 65 (including councillors, speakers and committee members)