4th January 2018 - updated 8th Febraury 2018
Help save Riverside Avenue and Holdenhurst Village Conservation Area!
Bournemouth Council's plans for a flyover and junctions on the A338 (the 'A338-Wessex Fields Link'), at the site of the current footbridge have now been submitted. Many local residents, including environmental campaigners, Friends of Riverside, (www.bournemouthfriendsofriverside.org friendsofriverside@outlook.com), and Holdenhurst Village Parish Meeting, object to this scheme because it will damage tranquil green space along Riverside Avenue, forcing cyclists and walkers to cross a long road bridge, and because it will go through the Holdenhurst Village Conservation Area.
Furthermore, because the primary purpose of the scheme is to facilitate a large office development in the fields to the rear of the Royal Bournemouth Hospital, the Council's own figures show that it will generate a significant amount of extra traffic, consequently increasing congestion along Castle Lane West and much of Castle Lane East and add to noise, air, light and water run-off pollution, whilst also being harmful to wildlife.
If you wish to comment on the plans you can write a email or letter (details below):
The planning application number is 7-2017-9177-DH and the location is Riverside Avenue/Wessex Fields. The plans can be seen on the Council planning register.
Write to: planning@bournemouth.gov.uk
Or fill in the online Planning Application Comment form
Or write a letter to: Planning, Transport and Regulation, Town Hall Annexe, St Stephen’s Road, Bournemouth BH2 6EA
Please remember to include your address, the application address and the reference number. COMMENTS MUST BE RECEIVED BY: 26th January 2018
'A338-WESSEX FIELDS LINK' PLANS SUBMITTED - Congestion to worsen on Castle Lane West