17th September 2012

Dorset Crime and Policing Survey


As you know, as part of our PCC Campaign, I have been talking to very many groups to obtain feedback about the police and local Neighbourhood Watch activities.

Taking the feedback I've received from residents I've spoken with, I've put together an online survey about people's attitudes to, and experience of, policing in Dorset. The questions are informed by the feedback I've already received. I'm afraid they are rather 'broad brush' due to the need for relative brevity in the survey. In time, however, I hope to produce more targeted surveys to explore people's priorities in more detail.

The survey results as the basis of next year's Policing Plan if I'm successful in November. If I'm unsuccessful in the elections I'll ensure the new PCC receives the detailed results. It's imperative that whoever is elected Police and Crime Commissioner in November prepares a Policing Plan that fully reflects the concerns of Dorset residents and I hope this will help do that.

The Dorset Crime and Policing Survey is available online here

For those not online, hard copies can be obtained by calling 01202 474949.

Nick King
Conservative Candidate for Dorset's Police and Crime Commissioner