23rd October 2012
23rd October 2012
Update - responses to the Local Council Tax Scheme (LCTS) Consultation.
Nearly 11,000 letters were posted to existing Council Tax Benefit claimants likely to be affected by the new scheme. So far approximately 200 individuals have contacted the Council's client team and revenues and benefits staff to request a form to respond to the consultation, and to ask general questions about the impact and the reasons for the change.
360 responses have been received so far.
A reminder was released on 15th October to inform claimants that the consultation finishes on 5th November. The press release can be seen on BIZ
Claimants have been invited to have their say by completing an online questionnaire. For those claimants who prefer to complete a paper copy of the questionnaire, copies are available at local libraries and our customer service centre in St Stephen’s Road, Bournemouth or they can call: 01202 451984 to request a questionnaire by post or another format such as Braille or another language.
The analysis will be completed by the end of November and a report will be prepared by the Consultation Team to accompany a cabinet report in January.
The new scheme begins on 1 April 2013.